This past Thanksgiving, I tried Green Bean Casserole for the very first time, and the person who made it did a really awesome job. But at Christmas, I tried it again at our ward Christmas Party, and well... I have to say it was probably one of the worst things I had ever eaten! Sorry to those of you who love this dish, I can't say I do.
So last weekend, I decided to recreate my own version of it, but added corn (and if I had carrots, would have added them also).While the "canned" flavour of veggies are not really my cuppa tea, in the future, I'd probably try this again with frozen, if not fresh veggies.
The flavour was really great, but I think my favourite part was the fried onions, which I am planning to do again and serve as a side with other things... maybe a thick juicy hamburger.
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